Thursday, February 14, 2008

Kate Hiss

Age:493,not very old for a vampire,in this comic at least.
Birth-date: December 9,1515.
Birth-parents: Alfred Hiss and Emily Hiss formerly the king and Queen of the Vampire civilization.
Kate is very wise and trusted by all of her people (aka since she is queen of the vampires) well otherwise she plays a very important roll,like every-other character i give a biography on, normally she is proud of being queen but she finds a new friendship when she meets Mrs.Kimbrely P.
clueless,wiche she thinks of her as a little sister, since clueless doesn't need to stay with a pack,all vampires, to find her way in life....Although secretly she will always watch over clueless....

ps happy b-day Arizona and happy valentines day.

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