Friday, February 15, 2008

Emry philpps

the love interest to Daniella! he is everything she wants him to be. He was born in London england, but was moved with his parents in the peace corps at the age of 1. The new location they went was..! Venice italy, and he stayed there until he was 10. Then a week after his birth day his dad got a position in morocco. they stayed there for exactly a year. they left Morocco only a day after his eleventh birth day. they moved to norway, they stayed there until 3 months before he turned 13. they moved to Chicago, were he is to attend wisp. He speaks fluent English, italian, arabic, french, and norwegian. he also is an expert lute, trumpet, saxophone, guitar, piano, and accordian player. he is believed to be very skilled at archery, cricket, and tennis. he loves alchemy and is very interested in the magical sciences.

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