Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Why do you hate me? (oh i know, i know pick me) yes...

well you will hate me for this but there is a upside to this bad news.
i know a lot of people are very curious to see how The Gothlock Chronicles will turn out and i am to but i am getting that wacom tablet soon maybe like 2 weeks or next week maybe though but the first comic will take a little longer than planned and if i get it the tablet there is a large chance I'm going to want to color it with the tablet so sorry, it is alright if you wish to kill me "but, I'll have you know if you do kill me you will never see this puppy again(**holds up a cute wide-eyed puppy**) now back away!, you heard me, there is nothing to see here!"

But there is good news ignorant bliss is going to keep you occupied with his new comic he never really told me the name but it has to do with Nintendo a whole lot of Nintendo! it is scheduled to be posted on Saturday yes for real this Saturday the 2oth i know it shocks me to a comic posted on a real date i have goosebumps now! well I'm gonna flip through some TV channels and then i am going to go to sleep... So good night don't let those evil demon bed bugs bite!!~ (they have rabies!!!)